Database of Contacts using File Storage - Python Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you will develop a Python program that extends the "contacts database" by implementing functionality to load data from a file at the start of each session (if the file is present). This exercise is perfect for practicing file handling, data serialization, and user interaction in Python. By implementing this program, you will gain hands-on experience in handling file operations, data serialization, and user interaction in Python. This exercise not only reinforces your understanding of file handling but also helps you develop efficient coding practices for managing user interactions.


Managing Files


Database Of Contacts Using File Storage


Develop a Python program that extends the "contacts database" by implementing functionality to load data from a file at the start of each session (if the file is present). Additionally, it should save the data to the file when the session finishes, ensuring that any changes made during the session are available for the following one.

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import os
import pickle

# Class to represent a Contact with name, phone, and email
class Contact:
    def __init__(self, name, phone, email): = name  # Contact's name = phone  # Contact's phone number = email  # Contact's email address

    # String representation of a contact
    def __str__(self):
        return f"Name: {}, Phone: {}, Email: {}"

# Class to manage the database of contacts
class ContactsDatabase:
    def __init__(self, file_name):
        self.file_name = file_name  # File name to load/save contacts
        self.contacts = []  # List to store contacts
        self.load_from_file()  # Load existing contacts from file (if any)

    # Method to add a new contact
    def add_contact(self, name, phone, email):
        new_contact = Contact(name, phone, email)  # Create a new Contact object
        self.contacts.append(new_contact)  # Add the contact to the list
        print(f"Contact {name} added.")  # Notify that the contact has been added

    # Method to list all contacts in the database
    def list_contacts(self):
        if not self.contacts:  # Check if there are no contacts
            print("No contacts available.")  # Inform the user that there are no contacts
            for contact in self.contacts:  # Loop through the list of contacts
                print(contact)  # Print each contact's details

    # Method to save the contacts list to a file
    def save_to_file(self):
            with open(self.file_name, 'wb') as file:  # Open the file in write-binary mode
                pickle.dump(self.contacts, file)  # Serialize and save the contacts list to the file
            print("Contacts saved successfully.")  # Notify that contacts have been saved
        except Exception as e:  # In case of an error while saving the file
            print(f"Error saving contacts: {e}")  # Print the error message

    # Method to load contacts from a file
    def load_from_file(self):
        if os.path.exists(self.file_name):  # Check if the file exists
                with open(self.file_name, 'rb') as file:  # Open the file in read-binary mode
                    self.contacts = pickle.load(file)  # Deserialize and load the contacts list from the file
                print("Contacts loaded successfully.")  # Notify that contacts have been loaded
            except Exception as e:  # In case of an error while reading the file
                print(f"Error loading contacts: {e}")  # Print the error message
            print("No previous contacts found. Starting fresh.")  # Inform that no previous data exists

# Main function to drive the program
def main():
    file_name = "contacts.pkl"  # Define the file name to store contacts
    db = ContactsDatabase(file_name)  # Create an instance of the ContactsDatabase class

    while True:  # Infinite loop to show the menu until the user exits
        print("\n--- Contacts Database ---")  # Displaying the menu options
        print("1. Add Contact")  # Option to add a new contact
        print("2. List Contacts")  # Option to list all contacts
        print("3. Exit")  # Option to exit the program

        choice = input("Choose an option: ")  # Get the user's choice

        if choice == '1':  # If the user chooses to add a contact
            name = input("Enter name: ")  # Prompt for the contact's name
            phone = input("Enter phone number: ")  # Prompt for the contact's phone number
            email = input("Enter email address: ")  # Prompt for the contact's email address
            db.add_contact(name, phone, email)  # Add the contact to the database
        elif choice == '2':  # If the user chooses to list contacts
            db.list_contacts()  # Display all the contacts
        elif choice == '3':  # If the user chooses to exit
            db.save_to_file()  # Save the current contacts to the file
            print("Exiting the program...")  # Notify that the program is exiting
            break  # Exit the loop and end the program
            print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")  # If the input is invalid, ask the user to try again

# Run the main function when the script is executed
if __name__ == "__main__":


--- Contacts Database ---
1. Add Contact
2. List Contacts
3. Exit
Choose an option: 1
Enter name: John Doe
Enter phone number: 123-456-7890
Enter email address: [email protected]
Contact John Doe added.

--- Contacts Database ---
1. Add Contact
2. List Contacts
3. Exit
Choose an option: 2
Name: John Doe, Phone: 123-456-7890, Email: [email protected]

--- Contacts Database ---
1. Add Contact
2. List Contacts
3. Exit
Choose an option: 3
Contacts saved successfully.
Exiting the program...

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